
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
42 - Colin Martin, Solutions4Feet
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Welcome to episode 42 of the podcast and to one that I have been a long time getting round to recording.
Colin Martin is a boot fitting specialist who looks after my own boots. He is based in Bicester in the UK and is always on my list of places to visit when I go back to Blighty.
In this episode we chat all things feet and boots, as well as some random chat about boats.
You can find Colin at www.solutions4feet.com on social media or email on fitting@solutions4feet.com
Happy listening and I'll be back next month with the next episode.
music by www.bensound.com

Thursday Dec 23, 2021
41 - Christmas Special with Phil Brown, Julian Griffiths and Steve Hindman
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Welcome to episode 41 and this year's Christmas special roundtable chat.
Joining me were Phil Brown of Impulse Racing, Julian Griffiths of European Snowsports and Steve Hindman from the US Nordic Demo Team.
We chatted on a wide range of topics from topics as diverse as mince pies to the last two years running a ski business during covid. We talk also about digital tech and it's place in skiing as well as the lack of meaningful teaching and client care training in instructor systems.
We had great fun making this, I hope that you enjoy listing to this over the holidays.
Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
music by www.bensound.com

Sunday Dec 05, 2021
Sunday Dec 05, 2021
Welcome to episode 40, the second part of my interview with Jon Ahlsen.
In this one, we go a lot more in depth about skiing and we get into detail about different national ski systems, lots (more)chat about the Japanese technical champs, an insight into the mind of a national team race coach, in depth technical discussion and a review of last winter.
You can find out more about Jon and his work here:
happy listening
music by www.bensound.com

Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
39 - Jon Ahlsen Part 1 - New Generation Ski School, BASI Trainer
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
In episode 39 and 40 of the podcast, I chat to Jon Ahlsen. I went to his place in Verbier and spent a wonderful 2.5 hours chatting all things skiing and life in general. Jon is a deep thinker on most subjects and I very much enjoyed getting to know him more that I already did.
We chat in part 1 about summer skiing on the glacier, corparate life vs skiing life, fashion, his journey in skiing and much more.
You can find out more about the higher certification level training program that Jon and Tom run in Verbier here:
and you can find Jon on instagram @jon_ahlsen
Happy listening
music by www.bensound.com

Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
38 - Dan Egan - US Skiing Hall of Famer, 30 Years in a White Haze
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
This week I have a great interview that I did with Dan Egan, US ski hall of famer and author of a new skiing book '30 years in a white haze' which you can find here https://www.white-haze.com
Dan has featured in numerous Warren Miller ski movies and runs his own ski camps in the US and Europe www.skiclinics.com
We chat about all things skiing, growing up in Boston, skiing as a kid and then growing up and coaching them, polar exploration, Mount Elbrus and much more.
This was a great interview and I hope you enjoy listening to it.
Dave Burrows
music by www.bensound.com

Friday Sep 03, 2021
37 - Peter Kuwall Part 2, British Alpine Ski School Chatel, BASI Trainer
Friday Sep 03, 2021
Friday Sep 03, 2021
Welcome to episode 37 of The Ski Instructor Podcast and part 2 of this interview with Peter Kuwall. I had so much to talk to PK about that I had to extend this interview across two episodes.
We carry on our interview and talk about the effects of Brexit, transcendent performance, his time on the BASI board and the long awaited living in a barn story.
If you want to get in touch with PK, you can contact him at www.britishskischool.com/chatel
Happy listening
music by www.bensound.com

Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
36 - Peter Kuwall - British Alpine Ski School, Châtel (part 1)
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
Welcome to episode 36 of The Ski Instructor Podcast and one that I have been looking forward to since I first began drawing up my list of people I wanted to speak to.
Peter Kuwall is my guru, a guy who has probably forgotten more about skiing than I will ever know.
We talk about how he came up in the industry, the boom years of Scottish skiing, how teaching and mechanical engineering relate and the old French technical test that was the forerunner to the Eurotest.
I always love chatting to PK and i think it really comes out in this interview. If you want to find him you can catch him at www.britishskischool.com/chatel
Happy listening
Dave Burrows
SnowPros Ski School
music by www.bensound.com

Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
35 - John Greenwood - Silksworth Dry Ski Centre
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Welcome to episode 35 of the ski instructor podcast which will be the episode that takes it past 50,000 downloads. I'm a bit late publishing this one, I've been out recording podcasts and generally doing other stuff not related to skiing.
This week, I had the chance to record a lovely interview with John Greenwood, who runs the Silksworth Dry Ski Centre in the North East of England https://www.everyoneactive.com/centre/silksworth-sports-complex-and-ski-slope/
We had a great chat covering topics as diverse as school ski trips to Norway, quirks to teaching on a dry slope, ski prep for dry slope skiing and load of other stuff in-between.
You can reach John at https://www.facebook.com/john.greenwood.16
It's a good interview with good energy. I hope you like it.
music by www.bensound.com

Thursday Apr 15, 2021
34 - Alessandro Cambon - Beau Soleil International School, Alpine Italy
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Welcome to episode 34 of The Ski Instructor Podcast and this week's interview is with Alessandro Cambon of Beau Soleil International School and Alpine Italy.
Ale is a BASI level 4 and trainer but is originally from Italy. We had a lovely chat in his home in Gryon and we covered lots of ground in this podcast including pole vaulting, life and work skiing at an international school and lots more.
I hope that you enjoy this chat with Ale and you can find him at www.alpineitaly.co.uk
Have a great spring
music by www.bensound.com

Thursday Mar 11, 2021
33 - Federico Sollini, Subzero Coaching, IASI Education
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Welcome to episode 33 of The Ski Instructor Podcast.
I recently had the opportunity to speak with Federico Sollini from Subzero Coaching in Zermatt. Fede runs ski instructor training and physical performance coaching and has worked at high levels with professional athletes as well as aspiring ski instructors.
We talk at length on topics such as why national instructor instructor systems develop in the way that they do, the work that he does at Subzero and blending agility and strength in skiing.
I really enjoyed chatting to Fede and you can reach him at www.subzerocoaching.com
Happy listening
music by www.bensound.com